Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I have decided that country songs are just as bad as romantic movies. Lame!
They simply make me want that warm fuzzy feeling I once had, then I quickly remember the lies that were involved in that warm fuzzy feeling and then I get all upset and funky. I just want another chance to have a fun warm fuzzy without the pain at the end of it. It might be a while til that happens, I am aware... but man... it's everywhere around me but inside of me.
I am starting to wonder if I am that girl who screws it up for herself... ya know?
country songs = bad news bears . . . but they are sooo good!
Story of My life.
ha ha

"The trouble with romance is takin your chances in the desperation of a downtown night... if you're lookin for a little affection, don't go waiting for the timing to be right." - Desperation by Micky and the Motorcars