Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Monday, November 14, 2011

Remember it gets better

The burning end of a midnight cigarette....
The time when you know you are at the end of your rope....
The feeling you get when you're out of water and the waiter is no where to be found...
The time when your gas light comes on when you are on empty in your bank account...
The last drop in the bottle of your favorite wine....
The last page in the book that has entranced you heart and soul...
The time when you are late for work and you still look like your clothing came out of a thrift store...
The 'see ya later' to a friend moving 10 hours away....
The call that keeps ringing when you desperately have something to tell that person...
The unanswered and avoided question that took you months to ask...
The longing to travel like a millionaire on a minimum wage paycheck....
The conversation you can't have because the friendship is no longer existent...
The long road home when you just want to blink and see your family...
The stocked fridge of items you don't want to eat....

... The yucky feeling that knots in your core when these things happen... That's temporary.
The wine is replenished on your next trip to the store.
Your water gets filled by the waiter next to you.
Your call gets answered the next time you phone.
You get to travel when you least expect it.
You see your friend again when you need it most.
... These things exceed the negative knot you experience when in the model of needs that aren't met. It's just hard to remember that when the knot ties up in your heart and mind.

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