Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blessed. Encouraged.

Sometimes it's the right timing by the right people that make the world so much brighter and give you the strength to take the next step, or to even keep standing.

Life comes with beautiful moments like these that were given to me by beautiful people in my life to remind me that the stuff I am going through, the stuff I have been through... all of it is molding me into what I am becoming in the future and helping me be prepared to be oh so thankful for the things to come.

I'm blessed and encouraged. Thank you.....

... I really feel that you are more than capable to do anything that is placed in front of you. I just know that you are so talented and sometimes that talent can’t come thru due to depression or frustration. I am confident that God’s plan for my darling daughter Darby is more awesome than I or she could fathom. You go girl……Love you more than you’ll ever know and so thankful God blessed me with you---I’m proud of you for who you are ---so go and be what God wants you to be…I love you and can’t wait to see where the journey goes from here...
"One day you are going to make a beautiful wonderful wife and mother and will never be lonely again because you deserve that and the world."

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