Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Monday, August 23, 2010

Facing the fact


I've been taught since before I can remember that each choice one makes in life has a consequence, be it good or bad, it has a consequence.

Scientifically: every action has a reaction

Life: every little thing you choose to do or not to do directly effects something or someone in your life, could just be you... could be a whole nation... but every choice a person makes has an effect.

Sometimes I really think some people have no idea the effect their choices have on others because they are too busy going along with their choice. I once was like that: stubborn, driven by a choice I made and could care less about how it effected others because to me it was simply my choice ergo it was only for me. Boy was I wrong.

No matter how little or how big a choice that you make in life, it still effects others and will consequently effect you as well. The consequences for yourself (good or bad) may not be seen right after you choose something, but they are imminent. Not as in 'God will punish you' imminent, but that the choices we make will always play out to have some sort of consequence in life.

God has a plan, yes. He knows each step we take, each choice we make before we choose it... this has always been something that baffled me because I couldn't understand why He would know that I would walk off course and away from Him and it still be part of my plan.... that was until the day came that I realized that every choice, bad or good, had taught me something and formed me into the woman I am today. Looking back I probably would have changed some decisions because then I possibly would not have dealt with the ongoing consequences of them, but yet I would not know the power of forgiveness, love, and ultimately God himself.

I see in life today people who are protected from their consequences.... people who are hidden away while the 'bad times' pass over them... people who are so busy running from their consequences they completely lose the power of life in the moment and quite possibly lose every good thing they come in contact with because they are so busy running. None of that helps a person grow. It infuriates me to see a parent protect or make excuses for their child's action because that teaches the kid nothing.... you wind up having a 30 year old member of society not knowing how to deal with a conflict or anything negative for that matter because mom and dad let them believe the falsity that everything was always okay for them because they didn't really do anything "too wrong". Having to face your demons gives a person character, it allows a child/or anyone for that matter make the decision to let the demon take over their life, or ultimately have faith that His strength can overcome it.

I face my demons daily for decisions I've made in the past or the decisions I made a month ago.... I face them not to be defeated, but so that I can, with His strength, defeat them once and for all and be that much stronger and wiser the next time around. Every choice I make is not just about me, it's about my family, my loved ones, and even my dog. I thank God for giving me the parents that taught me, or better yet, let me learn about consequences... and even to this day I thank them for not letting me 'get away' with choices I make.

So, even though sometimes I feel selfish and want to make a decision simply because of what I want... ultimately it's not just about me.

I just wish more people understood that (not saying I am perfect or better than anyone because I will be the first to admit that I am flawed), and I pray that those who are selfish and never look around to see how their choices are effecting others will one day pause long enough to see the damage done and learn from it.

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