Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Great beginning to an ending of an era...

Life is so interesting.

I haev found myself being completely blown away by undeserving blessings, great laughs, friendships, and moments etched into my heart never to be removed.... This month of September was that month I had been longing for... a month of refreshing my faith in the good things in life... celebrating the present while remembering the past and looking forward to what can come.

To say September was good would be an understatement. I feel like I have grown more this month than I have in a while... there were no big speed bumps or walls that I ran into that impeded my progress and positivity. Over and over again God was surprising me with the way He works and how He ALWAYS has things under control. After months of feeling like things were spinning like a whirlwind out of control, I found peace in the palm of His hand.

This month I finally got my Aggie ring! It is and was amazing. Getting this ring was a long awaited moment, not only since my freshman year but from as far as I can remember knowing what an Aggie ring was. This little ring made of gold in my hand is so beautiful! It stands for everything I love about being an Aggie, and that I have made it to my SENIOR year at this beautiful institution. I was lucky to have those I love around me the day I got my ring and I cannot tell you how very much my heart was overflowing that night. I felt so incredibly loved and wish I could say how much I appreciated each person being by my side. I will never forget that day and thankfully if I try to, all I have to do is look down at my right hand and see that gold shine! :)

I have started to realize the whole "senior year in college" thing means everything. It means classes are harder than ever, while senioritus is in full swing..... and it means that in less than 12 months I will be out on my own... a real person... !! I'm very excited for it, but realizing daily that I have to depend on God's direction to lead me where I need to go. I have some options at hand right now, but want to make sure I go where He wants me because I know without a doubt that if I don't... well it just won't work. "We make plans and God laughs" So with that being said.... it's scary as all get out but thrilling as well. It's like the climb up that really high rollercoaster before that crazy thrill of the rest of the ride.

And lastly: people in my life are just AMAZING. I am so blessed. Mr. Ely is absolutely amazing. Daily he reminds me how special I am and gives me that extra boost I need on some days to smile. Mr. Ely is blowing my mind with his love for me, I never once thought I could feel like this with someone and it be so genuine..... the other day we were talking and he asked me what this feeilng was, that love was such a cliche word for it because in his heart it felt like so much more... then he said "well, ya know, maybe this is what people feel and talk about when they talk about true love..." (((MELTED))) I know it's cheesy, I know we've been through alot... but I also know that I completely understand what he means.... there are days when I just ask the Lord how He could ever have blessed me so much because my heart is just overflowing.... Not just for Mr. Ely but everyone I am directly in relations with. Those friends I have today are friends that have a deep deep connection with my heart and I truly believe that I am not the only one who feels that way. I am so blessed. My family is amazing....


There are days where the simple stress of school and working and managing those great relationships get to me, but there is always something in the middle of that stress that reminds me how blessed I am, that makes me look up and see the blessings I have and the things He is preparing for my future.

Hoping for more goodness to come...

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Darby, you are a writer! I have been so blessed by reading your words.
