Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I'm just running.
I love running--- physically. It is such a rewarding experience; to push yourself to go as hard as you can, to feel your body fight, to see the distance you travel, to feel the burn.....

But what about the emotional marathon?

The run that you have no clue where you are going, the familiar burn that comes in your heart instead of your muscles... The freedom of running but the pain of the unknown. Running.

I once had a close friend tell me that I'm just a horse pinned up with the gate open letting me' have the choice to run, but I stayed where it was safe and familiar: in the pen.
I feel like I found the wide open gate and haven't stopped sprinting away for a month or so. . .
But now, I am slowing down. I'm not knowing where i am. My body, my heart burns from the sprint into the unknown. I ache from the adventure and long for the comfort of knowing where i am.
But I keep running for fear of when I stop, I really will have no idea. Sure there has been beautiful scenery along the way, but it all flew by me because I'm running so fast.

Maybe it is my broken heart or broken spirit pushing me to keep running, maybe I'll find a new "pen" for my soul. I don't know, I just know I can't keep running like this for much longer. I mean, there has to be a fence or a wall somewhere!

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