Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Be clean in my wounds...

No matter how much it hurts, no matter how much I don’t like it… I had to.


I had to take my selfishness out of the equation and think of others when it came to my heart and theirs.  I chose to be apart from something that brought me joy in lieu of hurting someone else because the joy that I was brought also brought fears and doubts. 


Maybe I am being stupid, but I really don’t think I am.  I had to (for once) be smart about how I was handling my heart.  I was and am blessed to have the opportunity to get to know one of the most amazing men I have ever known in my life, to have God teach me things about myself through him, and to experience the things I did…


Who knows what will happen, but for now, I just know that I was at a point in my life I couldn’t let my heart blind me and hurt people in my life, or could I be just complacent with being with someone that I couldn’t be completely there for mind, body, and soul. 


Matters of the heart are never easy, especially when you know what you are doing is right for everyone involved but it still doesn’t feel comfortable. It’s like you know  you have to clean a wound, and the best way to do it is with alcohol or peroxide… both aren’t comfortable in any sense of the word… but both are worth it to be cleaned in your wounds. . .

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