Life takes us on an unexpected journey from day one.
But the real day one usually isn't until we reach the age to understand that this life isnt all fairy tales, happy endings, and good feelings.
Day one of the realization of this incredible journey usually coincides with a great moment that you realize you are not in control, and never really will be.
The good Lord above always has control, gives us glimpses of His mysterious plan, but never shows His full masterpiece until we are ready...
I am still waiting to see His finished artwork from the beauty of Heaven, and will until He calls me home.
The thing is though, this life is not what I expected of it. Not once when I was younger did I think I would ever go through the things I did, fail the times I have, nor experience great victories like I have. Yet, even though some of those things left bitter memories, they are all part of the great journey and the great masterpiece that is my life so that I can maybe look back and all in all not see the hurts, the failures, the tears; no, but so I could see the full picture of beauty, of my own 'fairy tale'.
I am no longer in search of my story book life.... I am on the journey to explore the story of my life written by my Creator.
I think when we find ourselves so caught up in trying to have the perfect life, the happily ever after, the successes of this world... We loose the focus and the joy out of it all.
I should know. I've been looking for all of that.... And I don't have any of that to show for myself.
I simply have the amazing journey I have been through to get to this point of understanding. I do have lots of tears I have shed, I do have lots of failures... But they do not define my journey, they bring it character, lessons, and encouragement to keep going.
So, remember... Life isn't a snap shot picture of one moment we dream of, it is a collage of all the moments we dreamt of (even the nightmares) that will make up something all in all beautiful.
Jeremiah 29:11
Something God hit me with recently is how much our life is like a painting, and He is the artist. No one has a perfect life. We all have pain, struggles, mistakes that just seem to drag us down to seemingly infinitely-dark points in our life. But that's where God, the master painter, comes in, and weaves in the other colors: passionate reds and somber blues; yellow sunshine days and dreary grey days. No truly beautiful painting has all bright colors; there are always dark places. But they accent the bright, and turn what could have been mundane into something extraordinary, something beautiful.