Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Atleast I can dream.....

Atleast I can dream.....

I can always dream of things I really want to happen... Because when I dream reality doesn't have a say in anything. Reality doesn't have to righT to barge in and speak it's mind in my dreams: no sir.
My dreams are my safe place right now as I daily find ways I need improvement, daily see how hard this life can be, daily see how I have failed others....
The dreams I have are so simple it's saddening in a way.... One would think that a dream is saved for the extravagant, the outrageous, the impossible...... Not my dreams.... The things that fill my dreams are the every day things that may bore or possibly even frighten some due to the "plain-ness" of them.
My dreams are of waking up next to the man I love... Brewing a pot of coffee while I look out at morning dew over some land grazed by cattle....
My dreams as full of glimpses of a family I long for with the echos of laughter.
My dreams are of cooking full meals and NOT having left overs to hoard my fridge.
My dreams are of driving down dirt roads with wind in my hair and with no limits on time or speed.
My dreams may not seem like dreams to you, but I look forward to every second I get to escape in a blur of a fantasy I wish to some day call my life.
Sure, once I dreamt of flashy things, all the money in the world, being wild and free..... And those dreams were ever so sweet.... But now, now i dream of the things I know will bring immeasurable joy, life, laughter, and love to my life.

So if I'm dreaming, please don't wake me. Let me' hold onto that moment I have before I open my eyes and go through these tough reality dictated days and soak up my dream of the days to come.....

Darby Barksdale
Front Desk Manager
Best Western Atrea
Bryan, Texas

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