Today and over the past couple of days God has been stirring in my heart about our purpose as Christians and the idea of "God-given POTENTIAL"... I sent out that text today to a few of my friends to see what they said about it. It was really random and out of the blue to them, but they simply proved the reason why I am getting frustrated. I am reading a book called "Do Hard Things" by the Harris brothers. The first chapter is about the potential that we as young people have inside of us that is just untapped, and that it hasn't always been this way. Also in my time in the Word I have ran across the word challenge and transform and ability....
If you read my last post you can see where this is coming from... If you didn't, I will recap:
At breakaway Tuesday night I was struck with the idea that if every single person that was singing the words about living a life of selfless faith and being the generation that seeks him and that brings change.. if we all actually lived that... what a difference we would make in the Kingdom. Part of it comes down to the fact that it is uncomfortable to do things that are not in the "norm" of society today.
Before I start on this, I want you to hear what others said in response to that question ((keep in mind that these are my brothers and sisters in Christ))
"Doesn't everyone want that..." I asked well, why don't we do it then? " It's sharing too much of ourselves, most people don't care to share that much about themselves with just anyone and some people dont' care to know that much about people."
"Because we are so caught up in the world and we want to be socially accepted and society doesn't deem having conversations like that as cool or important."
So here we are as Children of the King desiring a simple thing like to have a deep conversation with someone and take it as a challenge due to the world we live in. Now aren't we as believers suppose to not be part of the world, but to" let God transform you into a new person my changing the way you think." (Romans 12:2)
Why is such a simple thing hard for us when we are being called to do such greater things and not only that, but we have the POWER inside of us by the Holy Spirit. I mean the word "potential" is bugging me. Why is it still potential if we know about it? Why aren't we using it to do great things for His Kingdom, and not only that, but we will be so much more satisfied with our lives because we are actually following His will for our lives and blessing His Kingdom. What would it look like if we all, young and old, realized that potential in our life and dramatically changed the way we lived in this world. We are here on Earth, we cannot change that. We cannot change that people are becoming less and less genuinely concerned about people, but we, as His people, can become more compassionate, loving, and genuine. I am speaking to myself here as well. He has put passions in each one of us to do something, He didn't put it there for you to say "oh I wish...", He put it there for you to have faith that it will happen with His power and within His will.
So we have this power to bless His Kingdom, and most all of us desperately desire to do that... so, what are we waiting for? It is not going to be easy, it will be challenging, but our faith will grow, our King will be blessed and glorified. Who wants to live an easy life anyway? I mean, let's just think about that... when you are called home, do you want your family to say "He/She was a great Christian. She loved the Lord when it was easy, went on Mission trips to the city, her life was an easy life that she praised the Lord for." I mean, it might sound fine, but wouldn't you rather leave a legacy, wouldn't it be great if your group of friends left a legacy when you left the place you are in now... for those around you to say, "He/She was a warrior, his/her faith was really strong and kinda weirded me out sometime because she/he would be so passionate about being challenged to do something for the Lord."
What would it look like to be different from the societal "norm"? Even just a little bit different.
Here is some scripture that I have been looking at:
For I can do EVERYTHING with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. - Phil. 4:13
2 Corinthians 6: 3-13
2 Corinthians 13:3-4
I DEPEND on Christ's mighty POWER that works within me. - Colossians 1:29
1 Thess. 1:4 -7
1 Thess. 3: 12-13
Ephesians 6:10-18
There are a lot more.
Here's the deal now, I need you, yes YOU, to respond to this and give me some feedback. Feel free to forward it on to whoever you'd like.
This is a challenge not only to myself, but to all believers.
Let's do something for Him and to Him because we all know that our lives are from Him and Him alone.