Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Friday, December 30, 2016

A Mother's Love

I am not a mother so there are things that I will not understand until I have a child of my own, however, I have been  blessed to be the daughter of a mother who exhibits the kind of love for her children that I pray to feel when I have my own children. 

My Ma, as I like to call her, loves me to a fault--  if at all possible.  She has loved me through some very hard times and loved me through the times where the wind was at my back and I felt like I was soaring.  

Yesterday was Ma's birthday... she survived another year of loving a stubborn, driven, emotional, challenging, free spirited child.   She deserves to be celebrated more than just for one day.   I have not always been a huge fan of my Ma's love, in fact, there has been times where I didn't want to feel it and wanted to run from it--- but if there is one thing I know more than anything else in the world today it is that my Ma loves me ferociously and despite whatever foes I believe to have in myself.  

My Ma deserves a standing ovation for how hard she loves and the example she gives to not only myself, but to many others about the purity of a mother's love for her children. 

I am rarely at a loss for words when it comes to my writing... but I truly believe that words cannot express how much I appreciate the Lord giving me to her to be her daughter... but I am going to give it a try: 

Since I was a child, my mother and I were more often at odds than not... but I even when we were at odds as a small child I would wake her up and go jump on her while she was in bed.  She would let me sit on her knees that she had propped up and play the 'horsey' game.  I cherish those memories of those quiet mornings together because no matter what the day before held or the day ahead, we started our day in laughter.  

As I grew older, the wooden spoon was not my friend and I threatened more than once to run away-- but only after I had dinner. (trickster she was...) I was a fearless stubborn child that pushed all the limits I possibly could without knowing and sometimes even with the knowledge because, well what kind of strong willed child would I be if I didn't push all the limits?   With each step closer to the line, Ma would not only still tickle my back at night and sing me to sleep, she would remind me she loved me. 
And that she does.  
As the years went by I challenged her (and my father, but mainly her) in many different ways... I was not the daughter I am sure she had hoped for as I became less happy with shopping and more happy with being outdoors or with my dad.   I has my own sense of 'fashion' that was not exactly close to hers at all, but she still loved me enough to swallow her fashion senses and let me dress myself.   
We fought, oh we fought during my teenage years... we tore each other down and refused to surrender our stances.  And even during those hard days when I didn't really understand why I was such a problem, my mother still loved me.  She began to love me in different ways.  She started a prayer group for mothers so that she could be encouraged and so that strong women of faith could come together in their pains and pray for each other, but more importantly pray for children like myself.  She loved me so hard, I  am sure every time they met she cried for me as well as herself as we suffered so much from a lack of ability to get along well with each other.  

Years past, and Ma watched me struggle with friendships, relationships, and simply life... she was and still is always my first call when things feel like the end of the world.  

Looking back now I am able to clearly see how beautifully she has loved me. 

Ma has been my backbone when I didn't know I needed one.  She has cheered me on unselfishly and without question when I believed in what I was doing and the battles I was fighting due to my passions-- she has unselfishly relinquished cherished holidays for my sake so that I could have them around when I was working.  Ma has loved me when I pushed her away in ways that I could not imagine (part of the not having my own children thing I guess), worried nights on end about me, cried countless tears for me, and still put on a smile and tried to cook my favorite meals when I came home.  

Words do not do her justice- do not do her love justice.  

In my years, in my ups and downs, I now can say without hesitation that my mother, Jamie Dawson Barksdale, has always loved me more than I deserve.  I can also say, with a little bit of hesitation because I am still who I am, that I am my mother's daughter in so many beautifully complex ways.  

I know my love, my emotions, and  my gift to feel so deeply is from her.  I know that my jealousy for those I love, my 'motherly spirit' that has won me the honored name of 'Ma' with some friends of mine is from her and her alone.   I boast in the love she has for me, despite the heartache that it may cause both of us.  

I am forever grateful for the unconditional love of my sweet mother-- because she could have easily given up on me, but she has chosen over and over again to keep at it knowing that one day I will be better for it.  

I know that I am not in a great place, I know that right now we likely have the same tear count for what I am going through-- and for that, I cannot thank the sweet Lord above more because I am never alone in my trails.  No matter how much I would like to think I am alone in it and facing these giants on my own-- she is standing in the shadows praying, loving, and fighting with me.  

I pray that I am able to love half the way she loves her children and I am so thankful she has never once given up on me. 

I love you, Jamie Lynn Dawson Barksdale.  

Thank you for being my mother and for all that means. 

Happy belated birthday. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The love of Family and Friends

Oh how life continues to be one of those things I can never seem to figure out, and honestly, maybe that's the point?

I haven't written in over a year, more than that, to be honest.  Writing is and was always a way to get my thoughts together in such a way I could process different emotions, different issues, and different life experiences I was or had gone through.  Due to a series of very good and very difficult life experiences I have learned a lot about people, friendships, and even myself... most of which I can guarantee you I have yet to learn all I will in the long run.

I've never had such a series of highs and lows like the ones I have been through in the past year alone.  The highs were blissful, those in which dreams are made of; the lows were and are some of the darkest lows I have not only ever gone through but some of the darkest parts of life I pray I never see again.


I am still here.

'Here' is an interesting word to describe my current state, but I am here nonetheless.

One thing I know more deeply than I have ever known is that there are certain people that have the ability to love you no matter what, and those that don't.

My family loves me deeper and more ferociously than I could have ever imagined and in such a way that no matter what the dark days tell me-- I am very loved in spite of my scars and mess of a human that I am today.  I do not deserve how much and how unconditional my family's love is for me, but I also would not be here without it.  Over the past few months I have not only had to tell them truths that hurt (which hurt me more than they will ever understand) but these dark times have allowed my family and I to grow closer due to my unapologetic honesty in this time and fun stories I was always scared to tell them about me in which held back the ability for my family to know the true me more.  
Another is that there are those friends that will stick with you, by your side, and fight with you even when you feel like you have nothing to offer a soul in this world... some lucky people, myself included, have a group of people that nothing but friendship keeps them around, and they don't run.  The saying about having a few true friends is better than 100 half way friends is a very valid and real saying.  My friends that have not once hesitated in loving me through this time are those that I would take bullets for because they have taken a few for me.   
Whether it be family or friends,  I am one truly loved individual and still wonder why at times...

Their love has held my head above water when my body and soul has gone weak and motionless.  Their love has showed me that there is a fight worth fighting for my future, even when I don't see or believe it for myself.  Their love has shown me parts of myself I forgot or lied to myself about its existence by my own sub-conscience to make me feel less worthy of an option of moving forward.

I know that I have already survived so much, but these last few months -- even this last year-- has been one for the books, one that tried to take me down for the count.  The lessons I learned from previous experiences have only given me more understanding about how real and hard these times are because those past things seem so minimal--- but as those that love me remind me of: "[I] always come out one top."

Currently, that's as good as it gets from the things I am learning in this process, but I am very thankful  to know the unconditional love of those that love me, because if that's all that I take away from my world crumbling around me--- it is sufficient for me.